I Tried a Meditation That Promised to Make Me Rich and Successful

With more than 90 million views on TikTok, the “Quantum Jumping” trend has emerged as an online subculture to engineer an ideal existence. 

I’ve never really been that big on meditation. If you ask me to shut my eyes and focus on the way each breath escapes my body, it will most likely leave me feeling like I can’t breathe at all. No matter how many Headspace sessions I put myself through, I just can’t seem to keep my mind focused and relaxed. 

Multiple failed attempts led me to conclude that maybe meditation just wasn’t my thing. That is, until I found one that promised to make me rich and successful. 

“Quantum Jumping,” apart from a concept you probably studied in physics, has emerged as an online subculture that claims you can find a more fulfilling existence by “shifting timelines.” With the topic “quantumjumping” gaining more than 90 million views on TikTok, the trend involves Gen Z creators using a “portal” to access an alternate dimension through visualisations and manifestations. 

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